Lapo Golf Blog Roll Treating Basic Golfing Ailments Slicing the golf ball is the most typical playing golf disorder there is, and plenty of individuals who have actually roamed the golf course prior to you feel your discomfort. Physics informs us that the golf ball can just take a trip in a curved instructions when it is struck in extremely particular locations of the ball. Pressure, stress, the desperate requirement to sink the golf ball on your next putt all triggers the notorious fluffing of the shot and you stand there humiliated as your golf ball goes cruising past the hole. Slicing the golf ball is the most typical playing golf disorder there is, and plenty of individuals who have actually roamed the golf course prior to you feel your discomfort. Physics informs us that the golf ball can just take a trip in a curved instructions when it is struck in really particular locations of the ball. When your putter comes in contact with the ball, you desire the force to be applied on the upper half of the ball. When contact is made your hands need to either be ahead of the ball or simply even with the ball. Pressure, stress, the desperate requirement to sink the golf ball on your next putt all triggers the notorious fluffing of the shot and you stand there humiliated as your golf ball goes cruising past the hole. Read More